Graduating Classes

Post the year of your graduation, your teacher’s name, class photos, names of fellow students and any other information you’d like to share.

17 thoughts on “Graduating Classes

  1. Here is the 1955 Graduation Class. My diploma is dated June 16,1955 and signed by Rita C. Estabrook – Principal.

    I am in position 2-8 – ie the 2nd row from the bottom in seat number 8, counting from left to right.

    Don’t know how I managed NOT to lose it after these 58 years!


  2. Wow! Such proper little men and women. They look older than 11. Thank you for sharing this.

  3. This was an 8th grade graduation–I am not sure what year the 7th and 8th moved to Forest grove.

  4. I graduated with the Class of 69. Went on to Forest Grove and Burncoat Class of 75. Miss Mara was the 6th grade teacher. Ink wells in the desks. I remember her looking for her glasses and they were on the top of her head. Now I put my glasses on top of my head. We thought that was so funny.

  5. Gary, I just noticed your correction and it makes sense. They were more like 13-14, which is why I couldn’t believe they were 11.

  6. Its been a long time since I saw the picture of the class of ’55. I’m in the second row seat number two. I certainly remember Bill(y) McMahon well. Brings back a lot of memories of the really early years.

  7. Ref Posts Feb 14 and 15 (2014)

    Wow – a double hit!. Glad to know you guys are still kicking around.
    After Grad from the 8th Grade, Don and I went on to North High School in the fall of 1955 and managed to muddle through and Grad in the Fall of 1959. Don, are you still insisting you full first name is only ‘Don’- and not ‘Donald’?

    Jim, I don’t remember which high school you went after grad, but I do remember your ‘gun boats’ (shoe size) – about 99’s – triple Z. You could walk on deep snow with out sinking down! Your correct in your ID’s of a few of our class mates from WBBS – Ruthie Longsjo and I finally came up with all the names – not bad for a couple of ol’ timers. I lived at 44 Boardman St and Ruthie lived down the hill on W.Boyston Dr.

    Hope you guys enjoy this web-site and will pass it on to others.

    Bill Mc

  8. I graduated in June of 1960 from WBSS..As I recall, in February of that year, the 7th and 8th grade kids were moved to Forest Grove to finish the year.
    Does anyone remember the “square dances” that were held at the school in the mid to late 50s? How about “the Greeks” across from Stuarts Diner?

  9. I also went to school here from 1970 to 1975 I still have class pictures and remember a lot of kids I grew up right across the street from C@R tire neighbors with francis traficanti wow talk about rebooting the brain carnivals in the pepsi parking lot , air raids under the desk, mrs sniderman

  10. Hi John,
    Attended WBSS from Jun 1953 to 1955 and graduated to North High School (NHS) as part of the freshman Class of ’59. Graduation took place in Jun 1959.
    Although we probably never met, I and many others would enjoy hearing about your recalls, so please continue to post.

    Bill 9/25/2015

  11. Just found out about this site at my class reunion last night (north high’65) I wondered so many times where we all were.Looking forward to seeing more

  12. I was the 8th grade graduating class of June 1958. There were 13 in my class, 8 girls and 5 boys. I remember Mr. Nugent kept back 13 or 14 kids in the first half of the 7th grade, otherwise we would have had around 28 graduating. That’s when they had half years, not full years. So, you were only kept back for a half year then. Mrs. Esterbrook, Miss Mara and Mr. Nugent took us all to the Hickory House Restaurant for lunch after the 8th grade graduation, then our class went to the White City amusement park after. Boy, those were the days. Unfortunately, all those old building are gone now.

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