
If you remember a teacher whose name doesn’t appear here, post his or her name and something you remember. If you see a teacher’s name and remember something that should be added, select Reply under that teacher’s comments and add to them.

25 thoughts on “Teachers/staff

  1. I attended WSS from 1960-1964, 3rd – 6th grade. A few of the teachers I remember: Miss Mara, Mr Campbell, Mr Ferris(gym teacher), Mrs Eastabrook(principal).

  2. my favorite WBSS story centers around Miss Schneiderman. i never saw her after grammer school but years after i graduated HIGH school i went to a fuction honoring her (retirement?). i stood in a long recieving line to speak to her and when it was my turn, i took her hand and said “hello Miss Schneiderman, you won’t remember me but i’m…” at which point she abruptly cut me off and said “of course i remember you, you’re Scott Longvall!!! I was floored! after all those years and all those children, she still knew exactly who i was. they don’t make many teachers like that anymore, thank God she was one of mine.

  3. She was something else and believe it or not, many elementary teachers still have that incredible sense that somehow can track their students throughout the years. How awesome you went to her reception

  4. Miss Schniederman, Kindergarten
    Mrs. Smith, First Grade
    Mrs. Torpor, Second Grade
    Mrs. Cantwell, Third Grade
    Mrs. Bohigian, Fourth Grade?
    Mr. Sanders, Fifth Grade
    Mrs. Mara, Sixth Grade
    Not sure of all of these teachers/grades. I know I was in a fourth/fifth grade class because the number of students was low one year or they didn’t have enough teachers! Mr.Sanders was an anomaly…a male teacher in elementary school, and a former Marine to boot. Our weekly music class consisted of singing the Marine Corps Anthem. I ran into him years later and told him I was going to be a teacher and he said “I hope you have a class full of Leslies” HMMMM….

  5. Originally, I was placed in a first grade teacher’s class prior to being called to Mrs. Smith’s. I think her name began with an “A” and may have been Armenian? Also, there was another 5th grade teacher-Miss Brennan. My principal in Kindergarten was Mr. Kavanaugh; the next year through my 6th grade was Mr. Baninowcz (not the right spelling at all!). I never knew Mr. Sanders was a former Marine!

  6. Kids are awful. Teachers had nicknames like “dead eye” Brennan. OMG just brought back that memory. Like “Rat” Ryan at Forest Grove.

  7. I went to WB St School in the mid 70s….SO many fun memories there…My FAVORITE teacher was Mrs. Moore. She was so sweet. Mrs. Gullbrand was another fave. I had Mrs.Lano for 1st grade, Mrs.Gullbrand for 2nd, Mrs. Moore for 3rd, Mrs. Goldstein for 4th, and then it was torn down. I went on to McGrath for 5th. Funny tho…the 1st thin that came to mind when I saw WB Street School was ‘gauchos’.They were the height of fashion when I was there. LOL! ‘Mr. B’ was the BEST! I was so sad to hear of his passing. I attended the calling hours, and got very emotional. I was able to convey to his grandson how we all thought very highly of him [especially because he gave us ‘Double Recess’ on Fridays]. In hindsight, that was probably in place to allow the staff to meet, but all we knew was Friday’s recess was extra long. 🙂 Thank you so much for this site!

  8. I had Miss Schniederman in kindergarten. Believe her first name was Fanny, which to a 4/5 year old was funny. She had a sister also a teacher. I remember the naps most of all. They’ve become my favorite time of the day again! LOL. I remember getting bit by a classmate and getting caught hitting him….off to Miss Estabrook to get the ruler across the hand

  9. I had Mrs. Mara for six Grade. All I remember she couldn’t control the class
    You would ask her a question she would close her eyes and say not now..

  10. Does anyone remember Mrs. Schneiderman singing ‘My name is Fanny Schneiderman’? Or walking around bent over, swinging our arms pretending to be elephants?

  11. A few teachers names I didn’t see.
    Mrs faucher, Mrs Moore, Miss Gold, Mrs Fosberg, Mrs daily, Mr Foley
    These are some of the teachers I had and I was there from 1966 to 1974

  12. Yes Irene, I remember kindergarten with Miss Schneiderman and the elephant walk, I also remember milk being delivered in glass bottles (I got chocolate) I remember nap time (laying on the floor. I also remember you as a very blonde little girl.

  13. So awesome to share such a find old memory Paul. And yes, I was a real towhead back then.

  14. Anybody remember Mr. Nugent’s readings from the classic ‘Tom Sawyer ‘where he dubbed in the voices of the characters. It was like listening to a ‘radio’ show? It was probably about 1955 – my last year before I graduated from the 8th grade of ‘WBBS’ and entered the Freshman class of North High School. He was young premature balding man – extremely funny and energetic.

    Bill McMahon

  15. Bill,
    As I recall Mr. Nugent was the 7th grade teacher at WBSS and moved on to teach at Forest Grove Jr High when that school opened. I to went to FGJH after leaving WBSS and had him as a teacher for one of my classes, but I don’t remember which one. As I recall we used to call him “fuzzy” for his balding hair, which was indeed just fuzz on top.
    Paul Dooling

  16. Bill, I remember quite well Mr Nugent reading as you describe,he unfortunately has been dead for quite a few years now.

  17. Can’t forget Mr Sanders, Ms Bogigian and Mr Farley….I LOVED those days. THANKS for the memories.

  18. Ms. Mara had an annoying habit of drenching her chalkboard w/ a wet sponge, and then writing out assignments on the wet surface…to be revealed slowly as the board dried. She used to forget her glasses were up on her bee-hive, and we’d humor her by tearing the classroom apart to help her look for them, knowing full-well that they were right in plain sight.
    Mrs. Bogigian was a character. Heavily painted face with a flaming ‘do piled up on her head…she had a bunch of funny expressions that she routinely used. She would feign annoyance and declare: ” who do I look like to you? Hermione Gingo?”
    Mr. George Sanders was larger than life to me. I had him for 2 years- 4th and 5th grade. He challenged and inspired me every day. He was tough, but fair. He, above all others made a real impact on me in life, because I was precocious as all hell, but smart too. When I was growing up, it really DID take a village to raise a child, and he was in lock-step with my parents in that regard.
    When I was in 5th grade, it was February and, at recess one fine but brisk day, the name of the game was “run on the pavement and slide across the frozen puddle”. All of us kids queued up to take our turn, and I wanted to get one more slide in…but…the bell rang. I can still hear George Sanders hollering at me- “ok Mr. Kronberg that’s enough! Time to come in now!”. Of course, I figured I could pretend I didn’t hear, and took my stolen turn…only to trip over the kid in front of me who had fallen…landing on my mouth and snapping off my two front teeth. That was 47 years ago…and the 2 prosthetic crowns adorning the front of my silver, gristled maw remind me every day of the cost of that recalcitrance.

  19. My dad, Raymond Cavanaugh, was a principal at WBSC in the mid to late 1950’s. As a matter of fact, he just celebrated his 92nd birthday on September 17th of this year.

  20. Mr Sanders,my 5th grade teacher,had also included the 4th graders in the same class. The year after he was recalled back into the service, maybe he spent some time in Vietnam. I am not really sure of that but we gave him a going away party. He did eventually return to the school and I remember he changed somewhat. He looked harder.
    He was a very good teacher and very strict. I respected him.
    Does anyone remember his little Black Book?

  21. I think it was Miss Toppa that use to go around and check to see if fingernails were clean. If they were she sprinkled talc powder on your hands. Girls loved it, not so the boys. Lol. Still have all my group pictures from that school.

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